Bye bye Smile Studio, hello to 4Packaging's 3D service


Today, we want to announce that 4Packaging’s 3D department Smile Studio will no longer have its own LinkedIn presence and website. Instead, you will now find all news about 3D development on the 4Packaging page. One account and all info about 4Packaging’s services!

Why do we merge Smile Studio into 4Packaging?

Smile Studio has always been a service from 4P. Originally, it was available for all industries. But the recent demand and trend clearly show that we have to bundle our resources for the packaging market. We are more than happy to realize that digital solutions like high quality 3D applications are exactly what our customers need. Therefore, we want to fully focus on the sustainable way of packaging development!

What does that mean to you?

Actually, not much! The only difference is that all orders will be processed in 4Packaging’s name and all information will be published on the 4Packaging website and LinkedIn presence.

Stay tuned for further mews about digital 3D packaging solutions and if there are any questions left, get in touch with us!

Daniel Schwalbe